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Found 19440 results for any of the keywords historic districts. Time 0.007 seconds.
Landmarks Commission | Boston.govThe Office of Historic Preservation (OHP) also includes the City Archaeology Program and the Commemoration Commission. OHP is part of the Environment, Energy, and Open Space Cabinet.
Santa Ana, California - WikipediaAfter the Mexican-American War ended in 1848, Alta California became part of the United States and American settlers arrived in this area. 13
Mendham Township Historic Preservation Committee | Mendham Township, NMendham was settled in the 1700s because of its rich natural resources. The headwaters of three rivers, Raritan, Passaic and Whippany, provided water-power for mills and manufacturing, and well-drained and fertile soil f
Marietta, Georgia - WikipediaBy the time the Civil War began in 1861, Marietta had recovered from the fires. 7
North - Mississippi Tour GuideDriving Tour through 3 historic districts highlighting almost every style of Southern architecture. Free maps available at the Visitors Bureau office.
Petersburg VA historical foundation, historic homes for saleAbout the historic Petersburg VA historical preservation foundation and its historical preservation and renovation of the historic homes and buildings of Petersburg VA.
Historic Petersburg FoundationAn historical preservation foundation dedicated to the historical preservation and renovation of the historic homes and buildings of Petersburg VA.
New Bedford, Massachusetts - WikipediaThe late 18th century was a time of growth for the town. A small whale fishery developed, as well as modest international trade. In the 1760s, between the Seven Years' War and the American Revolution, shipwrights, carpen
Mount Olive/Bedford Chapel Cemetery Historical MarkerThe two-story dogtrot structure was constructed by Jacob Wolf in 1829 as the first permanent courthouse for Izard County in Arkansas Territory.
Contact Historic Petersburg Foundation, VA historical societyContact historic Petersburg VA foundation, historical society in VA for historical home preservation, historic building renovation.
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